• +91-9987181238 / +91-9372872921
  • info@nanavatischool.org



  • Students are advised not to bring valuable watches, transistor radios, gold ornaments, cell phones, iPod, MP3 players and any other electronic gadgets to school.
  • All articles brought to school, including water bottles, tiffin boxes, pullovers and other clothes should be marked with the student’s name. School bags must be as small and light as possible.

Parents must ensure that the above is adhered to strictly.

  • Students are not permitted to attend school if they are improperly dressed.
  • Students coming to school for any extra activities should either be in school uniform or games kit. They should never be on the campus in sandals. Slippers/floaters etc.
  • Students are not permitted to attend school if they are improperly dressed.
  • Navy Blue Turbans / Patkas from grade VIII upwards are compulsory for Sikh boys.
  • Only prescribed Navy Blue & Yellow coloured Jackets as per school regulations, may be worn in school. They must conform to the pattern of our school .
  • If a boy shaves, he must attend school each day with a clean-shaven face and even a single day’s “stubble” will NOT be permitted. Mushroom style haircuts are not allowed.
  • Parents are requested to ensure a proper dress code for their children in public places, to avoid slovenly dressing, and should inculcate habit of correct dress.
  • Students are strictly not permitted to either gel or colour their hair.
  • Earrings for girls only, if worn ,are either to be studs or small rings. Fancy earrings not allowed . Rings on fingers are not allowed .
  • Nose-ring and nose studs are prohibited, girls wearing the same will be sent home and will not be allowed to attend classes till the ring/stud is removed.
  • Makeup of any kind is not allowed in school. Students found wearing make-up will be sent home for the day. Lip gloss is strictly forbidden.
  • Girls with longer than shoulder length MUST plait it. No pony tails or loose hair will be permitted. All girls must wear a black hairband to keep their hair pulled back.
  • Parents are requested to see that their sons/daughters are regular and punctual in attendance at school/college.
  • In the event of absence for a day or two, they are requested to write a letter to the Principal on the son’s/daughter’s return to school, explaining the reason for the absence.
  • If the duration of absence is to be for more than two days, a letter should be sent at once, supported by a medical certificate in case of sickness.
  • Attending weddings and other function out of station during school time, breaks into routine and school discipline. Parents are most earnestly asked not to take their son/daughter with them to attend these functions.
  • Students returning to school late may have their names struck off the School rolls if the school management has not been informed in time.
  • The Principal can, in the interest of the School, ask a parent to withdraw their child, should his/her conduct, behaviour or influence, in the opinion of the school authorities, be in any way detrimental to the good name and smooth running of the school.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual lack of interest in School work, words or actions departing from the conventions of good conduct, smoking, consumption of alcohol or drugs, insubordination, cheating, stealing, misconduct, even outside the premises of the school, or any other malpractice, are reasons enough to ask for withdrawal of a student from the School.
  • A Student who fail twice in any Class will have his / her name struck off the School rolls.
  • Parents or guardians cannot dictate to the management, and the Management has the right to say on what conditions it will admit or retain a Student in this School. Students must not take part in any political activities.
  • Any Student who is persistently and repeatedly or wilfully mischievous or guilty of malpractice in connection with examinations, or has committed an act of serious in discipline or misbehaviour, or who, in the opinion of the Principal, has an unwholesome influence on the Students, may be expelled permanently or removed for a specified period by the Principal on the advice of the Administration.
  • A Yellow Card will be issued if a child behaves in an indisciplined manner in school, despite warnings. If there is no improvement in his / her behaviour, then a Green Card will be issued. If the child still continues to show no improvement in his / her behaviour, then a Pink Card will be issued and the child will be asked to be withdrawn from the institution.
  • The School gates will be kept locked in the interest of the safety and security of the children who often play near the gates.
  • All Students must be in school by 7:35 a.m. The school gates will be closed at 7:40 a.m.
  • The gates will, however, be opened on special occasions such as Prize Distribution Days, Annual School Days, P.T. A. Meeting Days, etc. Parents are requested not to park their vehicles in front of the school gates Vehicles are not to be brought inside the campus.
  • Parents are encouraged to CARPOOL with other parents travelling from the same or nearby society / area to ferry students to The CNVM School. This will be our contribution to the ever growing traffic congestion in the city.
  • Wanton damage to the school property will be charged to the parent. To compensate to the heavy irresponsible damage by students throughout the year, a “Repairs and Renewals” charges will be levied.



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