• +91-9987181238 / +91-9372872921
  • info@nanavatischool.org

Academic Details

  • Students are prepared for examinations conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi. The Council is recognized by both houses of Parliament and has the assent of the President of India.
  • The syllabus of the Junior School and Middle School is based on the recommendation of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.
  • The course of studies includes Moral Instruction, Reading, Writing, Mathematics Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Hindi, Marathi, English Language and Literature, Technical Drawing, Commercial Applications, Art, Indian Dance, Physical Training, and SUPW. Great stress is placed on co-curricular activities and character building program.
    1. Passing in English is Mandatory for promotion.
    2. Please Note that 75% attendance is Mandatory for consideration of Promotion.
    3. Promotion for Classes IX & X will be on the overall marks attained during the Academic year.
  1. Frequent tests are given and reports are prepared periodically. These will be issued in September, January and April. Parents must come to collect their child’s report card
  2. Promotions are indicated in the Final Report in April and successful students are promoted to their new classes in April each year.
  3. On Report Card Distribution Day, if parents are unavailable, they may send a representative with a letter authorizing them to collect the Report Card.


  • All candidates for the examination must enter and sit for six subjects namely - English, Hindi, History, Civics and Geography and three of the subjects listed above under Group II & Group III and must have been examined by the school in practical/project work in English, Hindi, History, Civics and Geography, the three subjects of their choice and in Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service.
  • A School may not enter candidates for subjects, for the teaching of which no provision is made by the school.
Note: The responsibility for the correct selection of subjects to meet university or professional requirements of a candidate or candidates will be that of the school.


  • The assessment in "Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service" will be made by the school and the result will count towards the award of the certificate. The school will be required to follow the instructions sent by the Council in the matter of keeping records of the work and the assessment of each candidate in "Socially Useful Productive Work and Community Service".


Groups Percentage Marks
External Examination Internal Assessment
Group I (Compulsory)
English 80% 20%
Hindi 80% 20%
History, Civics & Geography 80% 20%
Group II (Any two or three of the following subjects)
Mathematics 80% 20%
Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) 80% 20%
Economics 80% 20%
Environmental Science 80% 20%
Group III ((Any one subject for candidates offering two subjects from Group II))
Cookery 50% 50%
Physical Education 50% 50%
Technical Drawing 50% 50%
Commercial Applications 50% 50%
Indian Dances 50% 50%
Art 50% 50%
  • Shree Chandulal Nanavati Vinaymandir is an English Medium School. We follow three language pattern, which is imposed by the Government throughout India. The medium of instruction is English and Hindi being a compulsory 2nd language. Marathi being the state language, is a compulsory 3rd language up to class VIII
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